Tips for a Great Donation

A successful blood drive is not only measured by the number of units collected for the community’s blood supply. An equally important factor is the safety and health of the donors. Plus, donors that feel great afterward tend to look forward to giving again.

At LifeShare Blood Centers, the donor’s positive experience is key to us. Proper preparation, procedures while donating, and steps to take after donating—reminding donors to SIT SIP SNACK—all contribute to a successful blood donation.


  • Get a good night’s sleep
  • Eat regular meals and hydrate
  • Drink something 30 minutes before donation
  • Eat a little salt, such as a bag of chips, the night before or day of your donation


5 During Donation
Mostly, just relax, but here’s a little exercise:
Tense your upper body muscles for 5 seconds (don’t forget to breathe!), release and relax for 5 seconds.
Now, your mid-section 1-2-3-4-5 . . . Relax.
Finally, your legs 1-2-3-4-5 . . . Relax. Repeat.

10 After Donation
When you have completed your donation and are ready, sit up on the bed and count to 10.
You probably feel great and can go to the refreshment area. If you feel a bit lightheaded, do not stand up.
Tell someone right away.

Sure, saving lives may be easy for you, but you deserve a break!
Sit for at least 15 minutes.
Sip on a refreshing drink. Get started increasing your liquid intake for the next 24 hours.
Snack on something good.

One more thing…Speak Up! If you begin to feel faint, dizzy or queasy sit or lie down and tell someone immediately.Avoid strenuous activity for the next few hours, and we’ll see you at the next blood drive.